What is Wellness Coaching?

Wellness is attained when we practice healthy lifestyle habits that contribute to our holistic strength, fitness, and resilience. When we're well, we get to access thriving rather than drudging through our days just surviving. Through wellness coaching clients get the non-judgmental accountability partner to support them through the effort and consistency required to build and maintain healthy habits. Building new habits is effortful work that involves willingness to push outside of our comfort zone, get comfortable with uncomfortable, and work with the struggle until it gets easier. Consistency is the key to getting new habits to stick. Once they stick, it's more uncomfortable to not follow through. Requiring perfection and expecting immediate results are the quickest routes to staying stuck.

Common focus area

Reprioritizing Self-Care

It's common for us to lose sight of the importance of self-care as we take on more adult responsibilities with higher demands and complexity. We can get into the cycle of pushing ourselves to perform and produce high quality results (energy out) while neglecting our basic needs (energy in) on the way. Clients often come to coaching to reprioritize self-care as a non-negotiable after experiencing burnout or serious health issues. Whether you've experienced that level of deterioriation or not, there's no better time than now to build healthy habits around your sleep, physical activity, nutrition, social connection, stress management, time in nature, and/or time to relax.